ISACA Remembers Influential Leader and Past Board Chair 约翰W 莱哈特博士

发表日期: 9月26日

美国伊利诺伊州绍姆堡 ——约翰·W. 莱哈特博士, a former ISACA board chair who provided more than four decades of impactful leadership to the organization, 星期二去世, 9月25日. 他享年71岁.

约翰W. 莱哈特博士

John was a central figure in the development of two of ISACA’s most widely embraced industry contributions – the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification and the COBIT framework for the 治理 and management of enterprise IT. 他被称为“中钢协之父”,的证书,超过140,000 professionals certified globally since its inception in 1978.

“John 莱哈特博士 was a passionate leader whose contributions to and impact upon the IT audit, 网络安全, 治理, and risk professions are legendary at ISACA,罗布·克莱德说, ISACA董事会主席. “He is considered a mentor by many and continued to volunteer for ISACA even until the last day of his life. 我们会非常想念他的.”

John served as ISACA’s board chair from 1984-1985 and worked to expand ISACA’s geographic reach throughout the globe. His passion for the organization extended well beyond his term as board chair; in fact, he was the lead developer of COBIT 2019, which will be released later this year. 华盛顿特区的一位居民.C. area, 约翰持有ISACA的CISA, CISM, CGEIT和CRISC认证, and was a member of numerous ISACA committees and working groups—most recently, the COBIT Working Group and the Future of IT 治理 Steering Committee.

In addition to working for the US House of Representatives, John held positions at the US Department of Transportation (DOT), the US General Accounting Office (GAO) and IBM Global Business Services’ (GBS) Public Sector, as well as his most recent role as a director in Grant Thornton Public Sector’s Cyber Risk Advisory practice.

John earned countless awards recognizing his outstanding work. While with the GAO, he received several awards for innovative computer auditing techniques. 在交通部工作时,他是1988年的保罗·R. Boucher Presidential Award winner—the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency's highest award; in 1991, he received the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive; and in 1993, he was awarded DOT's Exceptional Service Award. In 1988, he was awarded ISACA’s highest award, the Eugene M. 弗兰克荣誉服务奖, and in 1991 he became the 14th recipient of the ISACA New York Metropolitan Chapter's Joseph J. 沃瑟曼奖. He also received ISACA’s 1995 and 1996 President’s Awards and, 1996年11月, became the first recipient of ISACA’s John 莱哈特博士 Common Body of Knowledge Award.

His willingness to share his knowledge and experience with others was a hallmark of his service to ISACA.

“John leaves behind a remarkable personal and professional legacy—and I am grateful to have been so profoundly impacted by his knowledge, 慷慨和善良的精神,特里萨·格拉芬斯坦说, ISACA Board Director and 2017-2018 ISACA Board Chair. “John recognized that one of the best parts of being a leader is the ability to help others follow in your footsteps. I encourage everyone to be a John 莱哈特博士 and find people to champion.”

John is survived by his wife, Alice, his son and two daughters, and his grandchildren.


ISACA成立50周年之际, is a global association helping individuals and enterprises achieve the positive potential of technology. Today’s world is powered by technology, and ISACA equips professionals with the knowledge, 凭证, education and community to advance their careers and transform their organizations. ISACA leverages the expertise of its 450,000 engaged professionals in information and 网络安全, 治理, 保证, 风险与创新, as well as its enterprise performance subsidiary, CMMI研究所, to help advance innovation through technology. ISACA has a presence in more than 188 countries, including 217 chapters worldwide and offices in both the United States and 中国.

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