Anticipating and Mitigating Risk Keeping Data Secure and Organizations Protected

Anticipating and Mitigating Risk Keeping Data Secure and Organizations Protected
Author: ISACA
发表日期: 6月22日

达拉斯-沃斯堡,德克萨斯州-Eighty percent of organizations expect a data breach, 勒索软件或其他网络攻击, according to the 2017 State of Cyber Security Report. The #wannacry attack in May showed how easily thousands of computer networks worldwide can be crippled in just moments.

治理, risk and control (GRC) professionals are on the front lines of keeping data secure and organizations protected. To help them stay abreast of the latest techniques, tools and knowledge of those who do battle daily for cyber-resiliency, ISACA and The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) will present the 2017 治理, 风险与控制会议, 2017年8月16-18日, 在达拉斯-沃斯堡, Texas, USA.

The GRC会议 is expected to bring together more than 600 practitioners from around the world for more than 40 sessions and workshops led by globally recognized experts, such as 约翰Sileo, CSP, author and consultant on managing privacy and reputation in an economy plagued by digital overexposure. Sileo, Sileo集团首席执行官, 将发表开幕主题演讲吗, “The Cyber Blacklist: Top Threats and Countermeasures for Data Security.”

“Auditors play a critical role in guiding organizations toward an integrated 治理, 风险和合规能力,特蕾莎·M说. Grafenstine, CIA, CISA, CGEIT, CRISC, CGAP, CGMA, CISSP, CPA, ISACA董事会主席, 和美国司法部监察长.S. 众议院. “However, 是最有效的, auditors must first develop positive relationships with leadership and staff. This conference will help attendees improve their professional demeanor and ability to influence in their companies, in addition to sharpening their technical skills.”

GRC会议 sessions will be grouped into four hot-topic tracks:

  • Attributes for Professional Improvement and Advancement
    • 结果的批判性思维技能
    • 通过管理认知差距来增加价值
    • Getting the Boss to Listen to You: Becoming a Trusted Strategic Advisor
  • 技术世界中的隐私/安全
    • Hunting for Hackers: How to Turn the Table on Hackers
    • 云计算控制:管理风险
    • Operationalizing 网络安全 with Risk-based 治理
  • 集成审计/ GRC
    • 审计业务连续性
    • Stop Fraud Before It Starts: New Guidance for Managing Fraud Risks
    • Outsourcing: Who Is Responsible for the Risk?
  • 深度互动讨论
    • 《澳门赌场官方软件》:你是否关注风险并做好审计准备?
    • 审计云环境:高级
    • Utilizing the STAR Model in Auditing 治理

“Internal audit plays a crucial role in not only ensuring organizations have the controls in place to safeguard against or respond quickly to risks such as a cyberattack, but also to ensure these same organizations will remain resilient as risks will always be present,IIA总裁兼首席执行官Richard F. 商会、CIA、qal、CGAP、CCSA、CRMA. “With the recent global ransomware attacks, it’s imperative that those in the GRC field stay one step ahead by continually seeking out the latest thinking, 可用的工具和技术.”

另一位主讲人, 拉里·哈林顿, vice president of Internal Audit at Raytheon Co., will discuss internal auditing in a risk-heightened, changing world. 哈林顿, CIA, QIAL, CRMA, CPA, 以及IIA前全球主席, will focus on key disrupters affecting the profession and competencies and strategies needed to adapt.

GRC的闭幕主题演讲嘉宾 迪克·芬尼根, C-Suite Analytics首席执行官, 将重点放在领导技能上吗, 特别是建立信任, in “Which Leadership Quality Matters Most with Clients and Employees?”

The event also features two pre-conference workshops: COBIT NIST网络安全框架, 专注于目标, implementation steps and how to apply this information; and one on putting the updated COSO ERM框架和ISO 31000 将标准付诸实践, with the aim of increasing understanding of how risk management should be defined, 结构化, 并在组织中执行.

Attendees can earn up to 18 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credits. For more information about the GRC会议, visit ISACA or The IIA.


在接近50周年之际, ISACA® ( is a global association helping individuals and enterprises achieve the positive potential of technology. 当今世界是由科技驱动的, and ISACA equips professionals with the knowledge, 凭证, education and community to advance their careers and transform their organizations. ISACA leverages the expertise of its half-million engaged professionals in information and cyber security, 治理, 保证, 风险与创新, as well as its enterprise performance subsidiary, CMMI®研究所, to help advance innovation through technology. ISACA has a presence in more than 188 countries, including more than 215 chapters and offices in both the United States and China.



The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is the internal audit profession’s most widely recognized advocate, educator, 以及标准的提供者, guidance, 和认证. 成立于1941年, IIA目前为190多个国家提供服务,000 members from more than 170 countries and territories. The association’s global headquarters are in Lake Mary, Fla. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

